Ventnor Landslip meeting
An incredible turn out in Ventnor for the council Public Meeting called to discuss all the work on the Ventnor Coastal Protection and Slope Stabilisation Scheme, Cascade and the Bonchurch landslip. Massive interest - I queued up all the way down towards the traffic lights (with 100s of others - great to meet you, Francis, and others) but squeezed in at the back and listened to a huge amount of experience in the room..
We heard from the Council, Environment Agency and Island Roads about the work done along the seafront, especially with regarding to flood defences and monitoring the groundwater. But the people I stood with were restless - they wanted to get onto the main discussion point regarding the massive landslip on December 10th and the possibilities to reopen Leeson Road - a vital link towards Shanklin and the East Wight.
The hundreds of people in attendance heard some passionate, informed and well-expressed questions and comments from the most knowledgeable in attendance. In particular I was struck by those who couldn’t understand why Leeson Road couldn’t be opened up to light traffic, or even just pedestrians and cycles. It was concerning to hear others who voiced their alarm about the town’s reliance on the Wroxall road and the potential for car and pedestrian accidents with the increase in traffic. We also heard from local businesses in Ventnor who were worried about the drop in trade and demanding that extra support be given (rightly so). We even heard from those who advocated for a rail link - which seems even more important than ever, with half of the road links closed due to landslips in comparison to the routes available in 2014.
Answers to all of the above will not be quick - we were told about monitoring of the ground by Island Roads throughout the month of March and only then would they considered a possibility of opening the road.
It’s clear that the national government need to step up and support our island community - because although this is not a motorway it is our vital road, connecting our towns together. Whilst we apply and await funding pot decisions, we must provide a safe route for vehicles and pedestrians via Wroxall, and we can look at some level of access although Leeson Road (though the notion of “at your own risk” is not going to get off the starting blocks).We could also look at getting national, financial support for local businesses - including reduced parking charges and financial support.
The next meeting isn’t until the end of April - which (as I said at the meeting) is too far away to move of those issues (above). We need to see support for residents and businesses in Ventnor and a clear indicator that the town is Open for Business.
Finally thank you to everyone who came up to me before, during and after the meeting to say hello and discuss the importance of the issues, I’ve already booked in a meeting at County Hall to find out even more about the geology and the potential plans next week - watch this space!